While most stains come out in the wash, you might not know how to get oil and grease stains out of your clothes. These unfortunate stains can turn your favorite outfit into an unwearable mess.
Read MoreDiscover the latest eco-conscious and sustainable home cleaning tips, along with updates from ECOS’ lineup of home cleaning products here on our blog.
While most stains come out in the wash, you might not know how to get oil and grease stains out of your clothes. These unfortunate stains can turn your favorite outfit into an unwearable mess.
Read MoreFrom bright blue to royal red, colorful clothes can be a great way to display your personality, whether you’re headed to work or out for a night on the town. Of course, with all that wear comes washing, and knowing how to wash colored clothes is just as important as knowing how to wash white clothes.
Read MoreThat classic, crisp tee. That chic, wintry knit. Those jeans. You know the pair. Those bright, tight, brilliant white jeans that once made your backyard barbecue feel like a sunset in Mykonos. There’s a reason why our white clothes make such essential pieces. They keep us looking sharp all year long and they go well with everything.
Read MoreSometimes our days require quick thinking and a change of clothes—or three. First, you have morning yoga, then work, then lunch and an afternoon coffee run. Even after all that, there’s still a stop at soccer practice, a dinner with your parents, and a late-night Target run before you finally get to slip on your pajamas and slide into your long-awaited sheets.
Read MoreWe’ve all been there. That moment you go to look at a bottle’s ingredient label and find a list of words you can’t pronounce, let alone identify. Sometimes it feels like you need a PhD in chemistry just to understand what’s safe or unsafe for your home. While we can’t offer you an advanced degree, we can promise to be as transparent and open as possible about what we put in our ECOS products. Unlike many conventional cleaners, we list all our ingredients. And if that’s not enough, we also list all the ingredients we promise to never use, AKA “The Nasties.
Read MoreThe reality is, when it comes to carcinogens, there’s no way to avoid them ALL. Instead, it’s about finding balance and living a cleaner lifestyle where you can. Luckily, your home is a place where reducing carcinogens is easily within your control. So don’t feel alarmed, and let’s go through some super simple ways to do just that.
Read MoreWashing the dishes. It’s something you probably haven’t spent much time thinking about, but it’s a chore performed daily in almost every home. It starts with a squeeze of dish soap, a few swishes of the sponge, followed by a water rinse. But that conventional dish soap you’ve been using? It doesn’t all wash off. In fact, it leaves toxic chemical residues behind on your dishes and glasses that pose significant health hazards over the long-term.
Read MoreWe wear our largest organ – about 20 feet of it – on the outside of our body. Our skin. It has the important job of being the first line of defense from germs and toxic substances – like the skin-irritating chemical residues of conventional laundry detergents. If your skin reacts by getting itchy and irritated, it’s time to take a closer look at your detergent’s ingredients.
Read MoreAs COVID-19 retains its grip on the headlines, keeping our homes clean and virus-free remain top priorities. But, does all the spraying, scrubbing, and disinfecting come at a cost to our health? The truth is – yes – all that deep cleaning can spread some nasty chemicals into the air of your home.
Read MoreThis year, we are proud to partner with Folds of Honor, a nonprofit that provides educational scholarships to the spouses and children of fallen or disabled veterans. The 501(c)(3) was established in 2007 after Lt. Col. Rooney, a U.S. Air Force fighter pilot, saw the grieving family of a fallen U.S. Army Corporal meeting their loved one’s coffin on an airport tarmac. Folds of Honor scholarships support private education tuition, tutoring and educational summer camps for children K-12 and higher education tuition assistance. To date, they have awarded more than 24,500 scholarships totaling $130 million to military spouses and children.
Read MoreThe spread of the new COVID-19 illness has been unsettling for all of us. We want to do everything we can to protect ourselves and our family, and we’re bombarded with new recommendations every day on how to stay safe. Working from home, social distancing, cleaning and disinfecting – it can feel overwhelming at times.
Read MoreFor over 40 years, people around the globe have come together to celebrate International Women’s Day, recognizing the strong, capable women who have led the fight for gender equality in both big and small ways. As a majority women-owned and women-led company, we strongly believe that our success owes a great deal to our powerful female leadership.
Read MoreFamily owned and operated since 1967, ECOS has been making plant-powered cleaners in the U.S. for over 50 years. ECOS™ laundry detergent and the collection of over 90 other eco-conscious cleaners, are proudly made in four facilities across the country.. We are dedicated to growing the U.S. green economy, reducing its environmental footprint, and creating safer products for families to enjoy across the country.
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